Thank you for stopping by and reading, these are just my thoughts and my day to day life.... No hate mail please.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jan 1st...... Day one of this new journey.........

Welcome to 2012!!!! It so nice to see a new chapter beginning. I guess I should first tell you that this blog is simply a place for me to write "stuff" down for reflection. I made a new year's resolution to start "really" blogging. I have a family blog and a photography blog, neither of them I really do anything with or keep up with. And I really don't think or know of anyone that reads either of them. LOL. Real exciting stuff on them.... So anyways, if there is anyone else reading this one, please feel free to share your thoughts with me or whatever.

Well my journey this morning started at 4AM. YAY!!! My two year old, Cade, felt that mommy didn't need anymore sleep and it's time to play. Coffee!!!! I need coffee! After I started the coffee pot this morning I was checking in on my facebook on my computer (which I hardly ever do, because I love my iPhone) and I noticed I had an "other message" (whatever the heck that it) well I clicked it and it's a message from December 9th from a friend of Christena's father. I know, I know, WTH? Why in the world would anyone be contacting me of all people about him, but yes it is true (Happy freaking new year, lets bring your past up). Anyways, I regress, this girl wanted to know what she could do to help him, he is very depressed, yada, yada..... Well me being that mature person that EVERYONE knows I am, I replied, and told her he was a big baby and be a man, he'd work through his problems on him own and all those drugs made him crazy and the drinking was only making it better.

Ok not the most mature thing I have ever done, should of ignored it and deleted it. But it was just eating at me, why should I be the one to help him through whatever the heck it is he is going through. I take care, have taken care, and will always take care of Christena without him, I'm not his mother too, I'm her's. So anyways, there was strike one this new year.

So a little about me.... I am currently 28, I am a wife, I am a mother of two, I am a teacher's aide full time for Huntsville High School in Arkansas, I am a full time college student, I am a daughter, I am a sister. I have a lot of titles, but my two favorite is, wife and mother of two. I met my husband in 2007 (he was dating someone else) and we became friends. Him and the someone else broke up and he and I started talking daily, several times a day. He asked me out on several dates, but I was a single mom and I was to say a "little" leery of dating (ok I was extremely terrified). So we hung out for a while and he met my family (actually the first time he met my family my nephew and daughter asked him if he and I were getting married). We finally went on our first date on my 25 birthday. He had a great time!!! And on June 7, 2008 we were married. Christena was 6 when we got married and on July 11, 2008 we found out we were expecting Cade. Cade was born March 13, 2009.

Christena is now 9 years old and Cade is 2. Christena is a straight A student and always has been. She is very emotional and loving. Oh the joys of pre teen!!! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Cade on the other hand is very stubborn, independent, bull headed, and moody, but when he is sweet, he will wrap you around his little finger and make you melt. 

So the plan for today..... Laundry, dishes, cook breakfast, scrubbing bathrooms, entertain the kids, scrub the white grout in my kitchen tiles (whoever thought white grout in a kitchen was a good idea needs to be taken out a beat), and that's all by 9 AM. Try that one on SUPERMAN, BATMAN, AND ROBIN! I might not look as good in tights, but I do more that just chase villains around all day.


  1. Perhaps you will inspire me to post on my blog more LOL!!!

  2. I have to agree with Heather...glad to know that I am not the only one who does the hit and miss on the blogging.
