Thank you for stopping by and reading, these are just my thoughts and my day to day life.... No hate mail please.....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Reality....Ugh... Really!!!

Well Huntsville High School students welcome back to school, this is a dreaded day for most faculty and staff, because it is a really, REALLY long time until the glorious Spring Break. As the school day begins there is buzz running up and down the halls as everyone is so excited to see each other after two weeks, teachers and staff crowding around the coffee pot in the teacher's lounge. LOL We are all drones until we have coffee. You know it is funny, I've never really been a fan of coffee until I started working with teenagers....Hmmm..... Makes you think that, just maybe, they are the cause of some exhaustion, frustrations, and stress. I love my job and getting to know all the students and being there for them in their time of need. There is nothing more rewarding than a student (usually teenage girl) coming up to me crying and so upset because some other student (usually another teenager girl) called her some HORRIBLE name and tried to take her boyfriend and just by sitting there, listening to her, telling her that she is a great person and that no matter what happens in a few short years none of this will matter and that I love the person she is today, tomorrow, and the great woman she will be. I have earned the name from some students, Momma D, which is kind of strange being that I would of had to of been like 10 when they were born, but I wear that name as a badge of honor.

Well Baby Decker is doing very well so far. This morning when my husband got up to get ready for work before the butt crack of dawn (no joke, he gets up at 2:30AM) he felt bad because Baby was in her kennel and was whining, so he let her out of her kennel to. Well he went on to get ready for work and packing his lunch while Baby kept going to the door and he didn't think to open it for her....... Hence he had a puddle to clean up. Good Morning Rick!!! Lol. He then took her outside for a few and put her back in her kennel. I get up (at a more decent hour....5:00AM) I get her, leash her up, and take her outside, she's a wonderful dog and goes straight to go potty and takes me back to the front door, we come back inside and I go about getting ready for work and that little stinker left me not one, but two PILES of a surprise. YAY ME! So I clean that up.... Would of much rather of had Rick's mess for sure.... Back outside we go.....

Cade didn't want to go back to preschool this morning. It's so hard to drop him off when he is crying.... Want to crush you mother, cry when she leaves, brings her to her knees every time. He spent a very two short weeks with me every minute of very single day and going back just wasn't what he had in mind for a good day. But when I go to pick him up that smiling face and running to me just melts me to my knees again.

Christena is old enough to know school isn't all about playing on the play ground and making friends and she just really didn't want to go, sleeping in and playing on her xbox sounded like a way better plan than sitting at a desk going through the day. LOL.

When I was first starting my high school years I never thought that anything past school really mattered. LOL. Stupid teenager!!! Now that I'm a mother, EVERYTHING matters. I remember being so involved in what music was hot, which guys were hot, how I looked was very important and now that I am a "mommy" all that really matters to me are two very important faces and on those faces I always want to see a smile or laugh, never a tear!!! I get mad at kids when the pick on my daughter, pissed off when I hear that someone was mean them, and if someone has hurt one of them I get violent. But nothing calms me down better than my children's smiling faces, a hair clippy, and a pair of sweat pants (and I do rock the sweat pants the minute I get home).

Moral for today..... Love like there is no tomorrow and cherish every second you have with your children!!! Nothing ELSE matters.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the morning surprises...Glad it's someone else's dog being rotten for a change .....the worst thing Otto did today was help himself to some kleenex!! (for him thats a good day)
