Thank you for stopping by and reading, these are just my thoughts and my day to day life.... No hate mail please.....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I am an EXTREME kind of person!!!

 Yeah that's right..... I do some pretty extreme kind of stuff. I fight extreme, I hate extreme, I love extreme, I live to the EXTREME!!!

I'm a mommy, not just a mother, mom, or momma, but a mommy. I will fight to the death, climb the highest mountain, swim the widest ocean, race for the end of time for my children. I hate people who mistreat their children or anyone else's kids. I will go nights and nights without sleep, forget to eat, give up looking "hot" and I will wear sweatpants to Wal Mart with my hair in a ball cap at 2 in the morning if my child is sick or just needs something. I will go without the newest and coolest toys, cars, or gadgets so my children will not go without anything. I love as deep as the ocean, I love my children more than I love myself. I will always put my children before my own selfish needs or wants.

Everyday I get up at the crack of dawn to make sure my children have food to eat when they stir, clean clothes to put on (and they fit). I never get "enough" sleep, exercise, or "me time" (whatever the heck that is).

So I don't climb mountains, jump out of perfectly good airplanes, run marathons, enter triathlons, or anything most people would call "EXTREME", but I don't what most people call EXTREME parenting.

I will NOT be my child's best friend, but I will talk openly with them, hold their hand through whatever life decides to throw at them. I will no let my child run MY  house. They will have rules and consequences for their actions.  My children will ALWAYS know they can come to me with any problem and we WILL figure it out TOGETHER.

I didn't learn my parenting skills from any new age book, paid life coach, or seminar. I learned all my parenting SKILLS, from my PARENTS. My parents have always been my ROCK, and my soft place to land when I stumbled and fell. My parents would have and still would do all the things I listed above for me. I love you MOM and DAD!

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